
Workplace Information


Transportation & Logistics (e.g., Airlines, Shipping, Trucking, Logistics)
United States of America
Illinois, Chicago


Transportation & Logistics (e.g., Airlines, Shipping, Trucking, Logistics)
United States of America
Illinois, Chicago


Job Experience & Details

Job Title
- What Was Your Job Role?
Mail Carrier
Job Responsibilities
- Describe a Brief Overview of Your Key Responsibilities in This Role

Sorted and delivered mail on a prescribed route via vehicle or on foot. Scanned packages, operated heavy mailbags. Updated customer records.

Employment Start Date
- When Did You Start Working for This Company/Job?
Employment Status
- Are You Currently Employed at This Company/Job?
Management Style Rating
- How Would You Rate the Management Style at the Company/Workplace?

Neutral (Mixed Experiences)

Management System in Detail
- Tell Us More About the Management System
Management varied depending on local supervisors and their leadership abilities. Some micromanaged while others supported carriers’ autonomy over delivery strategies.
Workplace Culture
- How Would You Rate the Company/Workplace Culture?

Good (Positive, Supportive)

Workplace Culture in Detail
-Tell Us More About the Culture
USPS culture emphasizes public service and taking pride in reliable delivery. Co-workers support each other through weather extremes and high workloads. Union representation provides job security.
Workplace Safety
- How Would You Rate the Safety of the Workplace?
Neutral (Mixed Experiences)
- How Much Was Your Salary?


Salary Expectations
- Did Your Salary Meet Your Expectations for This Role?

Met Expectations

In the end, they said no thanks. They said my coding skills were solid, but I needed to level up on optimization. They also said I needed to work on my system design skills, especially for handling massive amounts of data. It was a bummer.

Salary Expectations
- Did Your Salary Meet Your Expectations for This Role?

Regular schedule, job security, federal benefits.

Biggest Benefits
- What Were the Biggest Benefits or Advantages of This Job?

Regular schedule, job security, federal benefits.

Biggest Disadvantages
- What Were the Biggest Disadvantages or Drawbacks You Faced in This Job?

Physical demands, workload during peak periods, variable weather conditions.

Job Experience in Detail
- Describe Overall Experience of Your Job

The work at USPS was demanding both physically and mentally. As a mail carrier, my days were long – usually 10+ hours spent walking miles to deliver packages and letters in all weather conditions. The holiday season in particular was an overwhelming crunch time, with endless parcels and not nearly enough hours in the day. Management was disorganized at times, routes were inconsistent, and the aging scanners and trucks broke down regularly. I felt overworked for the relatively low pay. However, the union protected workers and fought for reasonable wages. My co-workers became like family as we supported each other through rain, snow and other challenges. Delivering to customers and seeing smiles made the job rewarding despite difficulties. The job security and benefits were also a benefit, but the physical toll grew and I decided a career change was needed for better work-life balance

Recommendation for Employment
- Would You Recommend Working at This Company/Workplace to Others?


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